Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What kind of a sound does a fox make, like a barking or what?

Foxes are members of the Canids, but do not come together like wolves.
Their vocalizations are numerous
1. conversational "wow-wow-wow" sound
2. alarm bark (monosyllabic sharp sound)
3. Gekkering (stuttering throaty noise) used for warnings to others
4. The Vixen's (female) wail--a long drawn out and rather eerie monosyllabic call usually while in heat.
5. purring--when cuddling
intresting question..
It's a bark, higher pitched then a dog's.this sound weird but it kinda sounds likt "yeow Yeow"
A yip, not really high like a puppy, more throaty.
first it depends what she is shouting at. well in most of the cases its some thing like hyenna's sound
The sound is between a wolf and a dog, kinda weird sound..lor
foxes have a high pitched whistle that sounds like a yelp,, had a tin whistle that imitated them so i could lure them vermin out and shoot them..Devastating the wildlife and kill for the sake of it not because their hungry.

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