Thursday, July 30, 2009

what kind of fruits bunnys can eat?

what are fruits bunny can eat i want web sites of what fruits the bunny can eat
Bunnies can eat a variety of fruits, but remember that fruits should only be treats. Too much fruit can make a bunny very sick. Some fruits that they can have include: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, and raisins. If you are looking for a guide to what kind of diet is best for your bunny, the House Rabbit Society has quite a bit of very good information on their website: I'd be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have. Feel free to e-mail me directly at:
Remember, fruit is high in sugar and should NOT be fed frequently, in large portions, or given to young rabbits. The high sugar can cause diarrhea because the rabbit cannot digest it properly.

That said, here's some great resources:
A rabbit's main diet consists of the store bought rabbit food and Timothy Hay. The rabbit pellets come in large bags and look like brown pellets. This is the main source of nutrition for your rabbits. This food has all of the vitamins and minerals that will keep your rabbits healthy. The Timothy Hay will come in a bag that is compressed into a bail. The hay is good for the rabbit's digestive system and will keep them healthy. Another store bought food, alfalfa hay, can be purchased in blocks or as hay. This is good to give to your rabbit as a treat, but not as the main food supply. I prefer to give my rabbits the alfalfa in a block, so as to help wear down their teeth.

Rabbits also eat a number of other foods. My rabbits eats lettuce, carrots, apples and bananas. They also like pears, strawberries, sunflower seeds and a number of other vegetarian food. Fruits and vegetables should be given to yours once a day. Try to vary what you give your rabbits and remember to only let the rabbits eat as much as they want and then take the food out of the cage. If left in the cage it can spoil and the rabbits may get sick. When you give your rabbit forage, like hay, keep the forage off the cage floor by tying it together in a bunch and hanging it from the ceiling or wall of the cage. Just be sure not to put your rabbit feed directly on the floor of the cage where it will be dirtied by urine and droppings. Dirty food can make a rabbit sick. Try to limit the number of fruits your rabbit eats, these are high in calories and make your bunny chubby. Vegetables are better for your rabbit because they do not have as many calories and are a good source of roughage for your rabbit.

Try to keep your rabbit's forage dry, especially in hot weather. If your rabbit eats wet forage it may get sick with diarrhea and even die. If forage is wet when you cut it, let it dry for a few hours before you give it to your rabbit.

Your rabbit needs clean water at least twice a day. You should also clean your rabbit's water container or bowl often.

Note: Rabbits are subject to dehydration, so make sure they always have plenty of water.

You can feed your rabbit forage and scraps from a garden. Then you can use the rabbit droppings you clean out of the cage for fertilizer.
You can find a list on this website.

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