Thursday, July 30, 2009

What kind of ferret bedding should I get? incase everything's a go with my boyfriend and the ferret?

He got a little funny with the sitiuation of bedding for the ferret.He is so how much it's costs? And what places should I look into..example: Petco
well if you're gonna be doing stuff in bed with your boyfriend and the ferret, I'd say to just go with whatever's cheapest or whatever blood washes out of the easiest.
A ferret hamock (they love them). They dont need bedding like wood chips or anything they use corner litter boxes (some better than others) but I would suggest putting newspaper in the bottom of there cage. You can line the upper sections with carpet.
The whole deal just sounds messy to me, so I'd say plastic. The ferret might get a little frisky and bite you or your boyfriend. Plus the other.stuff. Ick.
So you are looking for something to put at the bottem of the cage. I use a mixture of Shreded Paper and Ripped up Tee shirt material.

DO NOT use pine chips. they could possibly give your fuzzy mites, and they can damage your fuzzies respratory system.

A good book to look in to is Ferrets for dummies..
Care fresh is probably your best bet. Pine and cedar beddings have been known to cause lung and liver problems. so not them. Aspen bedding is fine, but its a bit poky feeling, so a kind of bedding like care fresh would be best. Its a bit pricey though. You can get it at basically all pet stores and it comes in a lot of cool colors. I ususally wait until it on sale and then buy a big bulk bag of it to save on money.

Or alternatively, you could litter train your ferrets to a box and cover the rest of the cage with fleece or some soft material.
I use old t-shirts and towels. They are free. =) And washable. As far as litter for it's litterbox, there are many different kinds out there, most ferret owners use feline pine or something like that. Hope that helps! Ferrets are fun!!

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