Monday, May 24, 2010

what spider is this?

It looks like a small spider, 1 cm long. Its abodomen looks white, with its little venom thingy sticking out. Iit has 8 legs, 2 feelers, and 2 fangs with black tips. Its trapped in by cup, and i dont know if its venomous or not. Please include picture and info in answer! PLZ HELP!
eewww! I don't know what it is but it sounds gross! Good luck!
It sounds like a Madagascar jumping spider.

Be very careful.


here try this web site with pictures it might be able to help you better.

good luck.
I don't know but step on it!!
ALL spiders are venomous, most don't have fangs that can get through our seven layers of skin though. I think the venom thingy you are refering to is actually the spinners. Fangs are where spider's venom comes from.

There are a lot of spiders with white abdomens. Where I live, none of them are potentially lethal. Well, actually not much is lethal around here. Anyway, they are mostly grass spiders. Their white or light colored abdomens allow them to blend in with dried grasses, seeds, and other plants with white parts.

You can bring it down to a local college with an antomology lab, but even if you only have biology, professors usually know about these things. I brouhgt in a HUGE spider with a white and red abdomen and red and black legs that I had not seen in my then 20+ years of wandering through nature. Turned out it was common and not deadly, just huge and frightening :o)

Anytime you find something you don't recognize it is a good idea to have an expert look at it. Invasive species are a major threat these days even when they are not "dangerous" to us. Depending on where you live you might also have stumbled on a new or extremely rare species.

If you are worried about it, stick it all in the freezer and turn the little guy into a frosty critter. Be careful though when you take him out, a lot of bugs can freeze solid and then bounce back to life as soon as they thaw. How cool is THAT! :o)
Yeah. What wtony said.
take it to a scientest n have them tell you what it is?

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