Saturday, May 22, 2010

What should I do with Dwarf Hampster litters?

My Dwarf Hampster just had a litter of four, I am wondering what I should do if anything
yes u can do something . do not touch them .. cuz the hamster will eat them if they start smelling like humans .. dont worry she will do all the work ..
5 weeks let them be with mom then sell them or give them away to people, or keep them if anthing, when they get older seperate males from females or you will have some dead hamsters
Cool. Just feed and water the mom. Give her some tisue paper. Make sure you dont touch them for 2
and a half weeks.
a pet store will probably buy them from you
Kepp them with their mother for 5-6 weeks of course and then I would really try to give them away to individuals. I know someone who works in a petshop and said they only keep them around for so long since they get so many of them, and end up feeding the left over ones to snakes and such for their own sick entertainment. Little kids, like 3 and up love hamsters. They aren't near as much work as dogs so parents usually don't mind them either.
LISTEN TO ME!! you HAVE to seperate them they will MUUULLTTIIPPLYYY like crazy, with each me please i ended up with like 24!! lol they were really cute but WTF do u do with 24 hamsters? seriously i dont know what to tell you about when to seperate them from the mom but do it or ur doomed! good luck-p.s the pet store lady was a crotchity b*tch and didnt take them back so double good luck to you!
Check this site it

And also this one
And scroll down and read the part about PUPs .and then Raising Pups.

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