Saturday, May 22, 2010

What should I feed a caterpillar?

My little sister found a caterpillar., what should I feed it?
you should let it go cause you are going to kill it
leaves and grass.
A hungry bird.what do you think?.

Depends on the caterpillar. They all eat different plants. See if you can find what kind of plant she found it on, then give it that to eat. If you pick the wrong kind, it just won;t eat and will probably die.
leaves.. and green ones not brown : %26#92;
try a leaf
Ask her what kind of leaf she found it on. Then gather a bunch of those and put them in the container so that it can eat the ones it is designed to eat..
THEY eat plants. TRY and find out what plant it was on.
You should specify at first the description of the caterpillar..

Some caterpillars eat the leaves of plants that are toxic to other animals. They are unaffected by the poison themselves, but it builds up in their system, making them highly toxic to anything that eats one of them. These toxic species, such as the Cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) caterpillars, are brightly striped or coloured in black, red and yellow鈥攖he danger colours.

But most Caterpillars are predominantly herbivores: 99% of species feed on plants (Pierce, 1995). A few feed on detritus including the clothes moth. Of those that are predatory, most feed on eggs of other insects, aphids, scale insects, or ant larvae. Some are cannibals, and others prey on caterpillars of other species (e.g. Hawai'ian Eupithecia ). A few are parasitic on cicadas or leaf hoppers (Pierce, 1995). Some Hawai'ian caterpillars use techniques similar to spiders to hunt their prey of snails (Rubinoff and Haines, 2005).
kill them
give it a cabbage leaf,then take it for a long walk.
leaves that is it and maybe a few drops of water.

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