Saturday, May 22, 2010

what should i get my 3 yr old?

i have 2 ferrets and he does great with them. should i get him a ferret or a hampster? he is very responsible(even at 3) he feeds them plays with them and helps me clean their cage. keep in mind he does this with out me even asking.
Before I read what you had to say, I was thinking that nothing would be good for a 3 year old, but in lew of the fact that he's good with ferrets, (I used to have 21 of them), then I would say get him whatever he wants. It appears as if he will be responsible for any kind of pet that he has. Hopefully, he won't lose interest in the ferrets as he gets older. I think it's great that he does their cages and all without even being asked to ! Tell him to keep up the good work !
I think two pets are enough
I accidentally killed my hampster when I was a little boy..
i would suggest a couple of fish, but if he's really responsible, probably a hamster. they're small and very interesting(i had one when i was younger)
I have a family of 5 with kids 9, 6 and 2 and we have more pets than most. We currently have 7 dogs, a turtle and fish. We have had cats, Hedgehogs, iguanas(rather unpleasant at times-don't reccomend for the 3yr old) and horses. I think anything the two of you agree on is the right pet. And don't let anyone else tell you 2 pets is enough unless you decide it is.
kitten, easiest.
A hampster but what I would prefer is a puppy if he is that responsible
my son is 7 and has had teddy bear hamsters since he was 3 we recently had his last one die from mite infestation brought home on pet mice from a pet store. i would say teddy bear hamsters are great pets! just make sure they don't bring home any other unwanted "pets" on them!
I have a Dwarf Hamster, If you think he would like one then that would be great.But consider, they are small. Cat, Dog, rabbit, or anyother pets you think he would enjoy! (NEVER get a GERBIL. I had 2 and all they did was chew holes in my clothing,and there CAGE!) And dont get a Fish there boring.
I hear Siberian Tigers make great pets.just kidding!

Goldfish or guppies.I don't believe small children should have mammals, birds, or reptiles unless the parents commit to properly caring for them.
Best regards!
I think a ferret is a lot of responsibility. You need to know this about hamsters, though: They bite, they don't like to be played with, they are nocturnal, so you can't have the cage in his room, and they're pretty delicate. Have you considered a guinea pig? They are really a lot better, at least at our house. They enjoy contact with people, they have never once bitten any of us, and they don't keep people up. I am so glad we got the pigs after 'hammy' croaked.
I would suggest something ferret friendly if you are considering an animal. So cats or maybe a dog would be a no-no unless well trained. If he wants something to play with, maybe a guinea pig or a larger hamster. Not a teddy bear hamster I have one and they like their space. Not a fish unless you have or want an aquarium. Or maybe a betta fish. They're fairly easy and very beautiful and can live in gallon bowls. I wouldn't suggest a reptile pr amphibian yet unless he understands the bacterial dangers of them and will always wash his hands before and after playing with them and cleaning their cage.
i 've always wanted a hamster because there so CUTE!But i found out that they do bite alot so if i were you i would cancel out the idea now gerbils are sweet i had two of those and like i said they were sweet now i would get him a guinea pig there great pets for children ferrts are good to but since you've already have 2 i would go with the guinea pig if i were you !
The classic answer is a dog. Both ferrets and hampsters are short lived. A dog is something he can grow up with. The same is true with a cat, although they don't do as well with small children.
I would say a hamster because a childhood isn't complete without their own pet hamster
personaly i think you should get him a guinea pig but i guess a hamster
I'd suggest a ferret, they are more fun. Just take in consideration the amount of space you are able to give a new pet. Ferrets and guinea pigs need quite a bit of space (and time also) to be happy pets. Sooo if space will be an issue go with the hamster (I hate them though)

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