Monday, May 24, 2010

What sort of pets do you have?

We have a dog, cat and fish
A husband and two children ;-)
Two lovely cats
Two dogs, ridgeback and Alsatian. And then i have my very own little pet, i pet him on the head now and again and tell him good boy, no go and do the dishes.
A dog and 2 birds.
1 Bassett Hound, and 2 cats.
Pinto and Paint (horse), rottweiler (dog), three goldfish, and three rats! (Nine total!)
Two dear cats and two doggies and they are my family
i got 2 love birds called stan and hilda
fish. a black moor and shobunkin
A huge Alsatian who everyone is scared of even though he's a softie and two tabby cats, mam and baby who seem to hate each other at the moment.
4 dogs 2 cats 2 pigs and a few sheep!
I have 2 dogs 2 cats and a rabbit!
a cat called skittles
We have two budgies, two mice (wanting more) and want a cat.
I have a cat, a yellow lab, and a chocolate lab.
i have 1 very large, adorable ridgeback x dog called Missy and 2 gorgeous, sweet cats, Tiger and Jess.
I have three dogs, three cats, two ferrets, four mice, and over thirty fish.
I have a pet crow..
I have two marmoset monkeys (not caged - they are free in the garden), two dogs, 5 cats and 7 fish (in the pond).
I have a dog, 11 guinea pigs, a rabbit and a hedgehog. The dog is the best, then the guinea pigs, then the hedgehog, and then the rabbit.
1 German shepherd female, 2 cats male and female (All three spayed %26 neutered) 2 frogs (African dwarfs not sure of sexes yet) and fish. About to set up a large tank so Lots more Soon!
Haven't time or space for more animals unfortunately!
a dog
a beta fish
20 goldfish
2 cats,1 dog %26 the kids lol
we have duke%26amp;scruffy(dogs),molly(cat),. venus%26aphrodite(guinea pigs).5 in total!
Old English Sheepdogs.
one rabbit and one hamster
i had a cow, and a horse. but they are dead now. its a long story, but it all started when my Grand mother (an old woman) swallowed a fly. she swallowed a spider, to catch the fly. Etc.. Etc .. Etc.. and then she ate my horse too and now she's dead..
A miniature Pony
2 Saint Bernard (dogs)
3 miniature Schnauzers (dogs)
6 barn cats
4 Koi fish
a bunch of chickens/guineas
The mad, insane, sort I think.

Several Bengal cats, a Siamese cat, a couple of Serengeti cats %26 an Irish Setter dog.

One of the cats thinks he's a dog %26 that he should go out with us everytime I take the Setter out for a walk. The Setter thinks that one of the cats is her baby %26 washes him (all over!) everyday.

And they all like flapjacks.. as I found out yesterday when they knocked the container over %26 tucked in.
a beautiful doberman and two cats

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