Monday, May 24, 2010

what sound does the girraffe make?

A girraffe makes a hiss type noise because they have no vocal cords. Actually they are one of very few mamals that have no vocal cords. So they mainly use body language to communicate.
Just the sound of chewing leaves!
Depends on what you do to it.
I made a giraffe go " woof". I poured gasoline on him and lit it.he went "woof"
fill your mouth with peanut butter and that is the sound they make
I believe they baaaa like a lamb. At least that was what I was told when I went to Animal Kingdom at Disneyworld.
Very high pitched sounds.
a low bleating noise kind of like a sheep
Giraffes can moo, hiss, roar, and whistle.

I've also heard that most of the noises made by giraffes are sub-sonic.

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