Saturday, May 22, 2010

what should i name my pet penguin when i get him?

Tux or Oreo
Danny DeVito!
Our these legal to have where you live? Or did you get your license?
Find out the personality first then name him/her from there.
whoa! i want a pet penguin! you should name him Alfred or Alfreda if it's a girl because Penguins look like waiters and Alfread sounds like a waiter name.

or Pete. Pete's a cute name for a penguin

ooh, or or, spot. no, stripes, no- where are you going to keep the penguin?
Mr. Waddles
Little Pin. Or? Bird that can't fly. just call it Penguin. But Little Pin sounds okay..
Petey,pebbles..never heard of ne one having a pet penguin before.that is cool.
WADDLES** it's SO cute!
Tingle or Smoky
Danny. Danny Devito played Penguin on Batman.
Chilly Willy.
Damn, Matt took my answer. Chilly Willy after the little cartoon penguin.
Mr. Popper.

Remember the book "Mr. Popper's Penguins"? About the housepainter who wrote Admiral Byrd (the real life Antarctic explorer) a fan letter and received a crate of penguins in return, and all the adventures they had keeping them cold, travelling with them, etc.

Great story.

However, I didn't know penguins were really good pets. You may want to check with your state's DNR to see if you can keep them.
pet penguin..ok..
but toby
tux. you know, from the computer company.

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