Saturday, May 22, 2010

What should I name my bunny rabbit?

I just bought a bunny today. It is black with a white nose and white stripe on it's forehead. It's eyes are red/purple. What should I name it?
some I thought of are:
baby bun bun

any other suggestions? or your favourite out of the three.
I would go with Blaze - I had a chocolate lab with a white stripe on his head and we called him Blaze - it is an awesome name for that feature - perfect!
Bananas or Almond or CottonCandy or Bubblegum. But out of the ones you picked I would say Blaze
I have too bunnies,One's named bunny frou frou,and the other is stir fry.If I had to chose out of those three,It would be baby bun bun.
Ted Bunny
after Ted Bundy
I always liked brzrxor.
Give it a name that will stand out like Moose
I like Blaze, but why don't you try Skylar?
target practice
Fluffy, Salt + Pepper, Peter cottontail, Thumper or Speedy
black velvet
call it "Stoner" or "Mixima"
how about bugz or bugzy , lightning.max ,baby, molly, shadow
call it question mark it sounds daft but ive a horse called that with the same colouring as your rabbit i love the name we call him quezy for short even my boss whos a vet says its cool
bubble gum, almond, or peanut. lol

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