Monday, May 24, 2010

what sound does a fox make?

when you ride over it at 70mph in your car is it >krump or same as a rabbit >crlack
I think it sounds like this.. xdrlithuirgshyurejherf hknegfuyrfng srutgiruyugfisurtgnseri tgsr !!
At 70, its KRUMFFFTHUDDD, it sounds to me you have hit a badger, they are more of a krump.
same as a small dog but not as a rabbit, I know. Then there is no need to buy lunch.
krump from my experience . particularly when you squash them from tail to head
It would be more like thwang-screeeeeeeecch-thud-"bl. st"
'Ouch, watch where you're driving *-hole' in my experience of roadkill commentary.
I used to live in Bournville (Birmingham UK) and at night you would see the foxes running around.
The noises they make range from short gruff deep barks to very high pitched long squeals/howls.
It is quite hard to describe but the higher pitched sound , I would say it is quite eerie.
They also make the odd snuff snuff noise.
I hope this helps :o)
its even better in a 4x4, the bugger flies up and smacks your windscreen. it makes a dull thud but yelps when you smack it. a rabbit is like a very high pitched squeak and not much else. but the best is a good sized dog like a labrador, they woof yelp and scream. its at this point you pull over tut and get the tire lever from the car and give the dog a good smack over the head then throw it to the side of the road with the rest of the crap.
Your sick!!
You SICK, DEPRAVED, MORONIC, FUC*ING WAN*ER!!. I would sincerely like to run YOU over at 70mph, no 100mph for maximum impact. Then reverse slowly over your skull. I wonder what kind of sound that would make?
like a crying kinda screech
i don't know having never run over anything. anyway what kind of person runs other things to find out what noise they make!

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