Friday, May 8, 2009

what is your favorite animal?

mine is the guinea pig the best but i like all
Same here. guinea pig, but I also love my other pets a lot.
i love spider monkeys!
tropical fish
Aquatic: Goldfish!! I've been keeping them for 9 years.

Land: Skunk. They're so cute.
puppies there are SO cute right?
all my animalsare best but i like them all as you said to they are all so cute
monkeys, pandas, koalas, penguins, whales, dolphins, pugs, guinea pigs, rabbits, lions and tigers and bears OH MY
I put obedience titles on them. Agility titles. go camping,hiking, backpacking, and to dog camps with them. They are my life.
I am a dog parent. I had 7. Now I'm down to 4. My oldest is almost 15, shes a norweigen elkhound. I have a 13 year old golden retriever. A 4 year old choc. lab. and a 5 year old yellow lab/golden mix. 2 old girls and 2 young males. a handful, but i wouldn't have it any other way. They're all rescues.
I love golden retrievers!
Well, ever since I was little I loved penguins! They're so cute when they're babies, but it was sad learningh the're life is like salmons! But I'd say my favorite animal I can actually have are dogs! They're loyal, man's best friend (pet wise), and so cute!!
Okay, not an animal, but a bird:

California Condor
My fave animal is either a cute little cat or a little puppy!

I love all animals! I want to go to college to be a zoologist and then back another two years to get a bachelor's degree in marine biology.
I have a two rats, Daxter and Luna; three horses, Bling Bling, Spot, and Teddy Bear (nicknames!); three goldfish Dob, Mister, and Frito' and last but not least is my sweet little dog Kitty the rottweiler!
1st- cats, and dogs 2nd - Hamsters, rats, Guenna pigs 3rd- Monkeys
my favorite animal is a dog like a male afghan hound because they are beautilful dogs and very obediant
I love pet domestic Rats. I have had 2 of them Rizzo %26 now Benny, they are very smart clean animals. They use a litter pan in their big cage. I take him out several times a day %26 he's wonderful.
Guinea Pigs! Here are mine and you can see why I love 'em so much:

My horse is my love.
House animal: Dog
Not in the house animal: Horse
Wild animal: Otter
puppies,[dogs] i love them

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