Friday, May 8, 2009

what is your favorite animal?

mine is a frog and dog^ ^
Dogs for sure!
Mine would have to be a pitbull.
the one-eyed trouser trout
dolphins and tigers
a Mammoth! too bad it's extinct..
Whatever happens to be on my plate tonight.
cats I named my restaurant after my cat. SVEN SHINE INN look it up I love cats so much but SVEN SHINE passed away recently and I got a new cat SWEETIE TIGER but no new restaurant for him but I love him the same
I love elephants. I hate how everyone says a lion is the king of the jungle, they would never mess with an elephant! They are also extremely smart and emotional animals. I also like frogs too, I used to catch them all the time and actually kiss them to see if they turned into a prince, they never did, come to think of it I would say its the princes that turn into the frogs! LOL
killer whale :)
Dog is my favorite, Cats are to quiet
and sneaky - when I was small I woke
up the damn thing was sitting on my
chest, all I could see was those green
eyes scared the hell out of me.
cats-since i own one
A Persian Cat.
i like rabbit very much,the eyes so red, I love their eyes.:-)
dog, not purebred either, just a plain old 100% mutt
That's a tough question. I like them all ;-)
Whales and dogs.
I like loons (because thier music) and I like Monkeys
Thats actually a hard question. I'm totally fascinated by Octopi and Cuttlefish, they're extremely smart and have fascinating behavior, so much we still have to learn about them.

If you're taking mammals.hmmm, wolves.
a lion for its majestic features
for me , i dont have favortie animal? expect i can say is i love all kind of animals like wild lifes and family pets , creepy crawing spiders and beetles , lady bugs , hairy animals too that most ppl are scared of .

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