Sunday, August 2, 2009

What saddle should I buy?

If I am looking at saddles and I show a hunter pony, would the Pessoa eq saddle be good only for equitation riders? If so what would be better?
Pessoas are very nice, well balanced saddles. If you can afford one, it is a good choice. Make sure it fits both you and your pony, you may want to get a slightly larger flap that you can grow into (I'm assuming you're young). You may need to have a saddle flocker come and fit your pony if he's a difficult fit. I think any style that is comfortable for you would be good, it doesn't matter if it is an equitation saddle or not (though it may help keep you in a proper position).
Plan on spending some time finding a saddle that fits both you and your pony.

The best thing to do is have someone who sells saddles bring some out to the barn. They'll figure out which ones fits your pony best then they should be able to leave a couple of saddles with you to ride in a few times to see which one you like the best. The saddle has to fit you too. Each one will put you in a slightly different position. If you have a trainer have them help you and don't get too hung up what brand it is. Good fit is way more important. Good luck!
As long as its a Hunter saddle and it fits I don't think there's a problem.
if your a beginer you shod get a western saddel, if your a relly good rider you shod get a elingsh sadel
go to there is great stuff. sorry i didnt answer your question.
Pessoas are very nice high quality saddles and I doubt you could go wrong buying one but stubbens are also eemly comfy, highly durable and are low maintenace I have one and I don' think I could have bought a better one.
it depends on the rider
I have a harry dabbs and highly recomend them!

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