Sunday, August 2, 2009

What pets do you have??///////?

me i have 38-fish 1-dog %26 2-birds!888.
i have
1 rooster
1 cat
2 birds
3 dogs
4 chooks
5 ducks
And a dam full of yabbies
i have a dog
two dogs, some fish, and a husband
two dogs
I have a dog,cat and a pig!
2 fish, 2 cats and 1 dog
I have 2 cats! :)
i cat-her name is Athena
a cat
i have one cat.
i have
2 dogs
2 birds
and 3 cats
Two cats who think they own the place.
A dog
wow, 38 fishes!! lol, nice. I have 3 cats (1 boy 2 girls). Love my babies!
Just one German Shepherd mix that I adopted from the pound and love to pieces!
i have two cats and two dogs
2 cockatiels.
Chubbles and Dixie
I taught them how to whistle the Marine Corp Hymn.
i have a mini zoo lol.nah i have one cat.2 pit parot..and 2 pigs.oh yeah mayb some roaches and rats only the parrot and cat live inside the house though
REALLy my house is a zoo today i got rabbit but my sis already has a rabbit so..2 rabbits, 4 fish, 2 cats, 1 dog, and 3 hamsters!!
Two dogs. A Pekingese named Hairy Dog and a Jack Russell terrier named Frank. When we buy a house my husband wants a huge fish tank.
I have 1 dog,1cat,an aquarium of fish,4 betta fish, and 2 cockatiel birds!
I have 30 fish, 2 cockatiels, a sun conure, 2 mice (expecting more), a dog, 10 ducks, a gecko, a ball python, and a king snake, and a great big red horse. That's alot of pets!
i have 2 goats 2 cats 2 rabbits 1 baby bunny and a whole bunch of fish
I have a fish (betta), a dog, two tarantulas, a millipede, and another little fish that I caught. I'm kinda low on pets right now (well, compared to normal) cus I'm living in the dorms now and can't have anything other than a fish:(
I have 2 little loveable dogs--a Yorkie "Trouble", a Yorkaranian (half Yorkie-- half pomerian) "Scooter", 2 fish tanks (55gal and a 30gal) and a pond full of fish (goldfish. koi, catfish from lake). Love them all!!
I scottish terrier
i have a little brother.
4 dogs
i have 2 birds .african greys. they are the best birds. i wont give them up for nothing in the world.
We have the "baby" Smokey is a long haired cat that is so spoiled!

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