Sunday, August 2, 2009

What other type of bird can CANARIES be housed with?

I have a male and female canary right now in a cage, I recently bought a 8ft tall by 8 ft wide aviary to house them in and give them way more room to fly in. The aviary is too big to house just 2 canaries. I would like to get some other birds to put in with my canaries. Will other types of finches work, I would like to get a pair of doves, What do you think? Also the aviary is inside the house. Thanxs
canaries are passive birds so they can be put with any birds so long as the OTHER birds don't attack it. Sometimes you have to look at the bird's tempermant. Some 'passive breeds of birds' will simply attack anything. I've put my pair of cans with a pair of weiros, quails and some budgies. The weiros got attacked by the budgies even though it's 3 times it's size.

Finches should be ok. Doves, i don't know. try putting them together but watch what happens.

If you are planning to breed your cans, it's best to put them in a seperate cage as they can be shy animals. And put a small wooden box with a hole with straws inside the cage so it can nest.

Please ensure that other animals like cats, dogs and rats can't enter or paw the cage down. i learnt my lesson the hard way.
they can be with finches
any type of finches should do just fine with them
Any kind of finch will work. Diamond doves are very similar in size and would compliment the canaries very well. Peace doves (white doves often used by magicians) are very agreeable and sociable birds. No problems there.

If you are going to keep the doves, finches and canaries in one aviary, be aware of the different diets these birds have. Canary and finch seed is too expensive to feed to a dove, so that would be a concern. Doves will certainly eat what finches and canaries eat, but finches and canaries would starve if the only food available was suited to a dove.
budgies and quails

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