Sunday, August 2, 2009

what noise does a rabbit make?

For the most part rabbits are quiet creatures that communicate through body language. There are a few exceptions depending on their moods, however.

- Grunting. Usualy this signals displeasure or annoyance. However, sometimes rabbits will grunt while doing things that excite them, such as playing with their favourite toys.
- Clicking or rubbing their teeth together, sometimes referred to as "purring". If this is done softly it means your bunny is happy and content. If, however, it is a loud grinding it means that your bunny is uncomfortable or in pain.
- Squeaking/squealing. A sign of displeasure or fear.
- Screaming. This is shrill and almost human-like. It's absolutely heart wrenching. You NEVER want to hear a bunny make this sound. When a rabbit makes this sound he fears for his life.

Other sounds:
These are a couple of other sounds that you may hear from a rabbit, though they are not vocal ones.
- Thumping. This is when the rabbit hits one or both hind feet on the ground. Rabbits do this to signal danger. Your bunny may have heard something strange and thinks that it poses a potential threat. (Or it could simply be irritable.)
- Munching. Rabbits eat constantly, so this is certainly the most common sound that you will hear from them. :)
depends wat you are doing to it !
A boiling sound.
A pre-nasal, congested 'snort' kind of a noise, like a little sneeze when they are on heat. Only females make this noise.

The male rabbit makes a tiny 'grunting' noise before ejaculating.

That's about it, honest.
Budump, budump!

providing you get it with the back wheels as well!
They hardly make any noise under normal circumstances. But when very provoked they start screeching like puppy.
Rabbits can grunt and they do tooth purrs when they are happy. They can also scream which is heart breaking.
What's up doc?
mine makes a buzzing sound
Fabwah. I am your fluffy gimp boy.
depends what its doing, or what you are doing to it!
There you have it.
if you hold the real tight and squeeze them the can cry like babys.
Rabbits are silent under normal circumstances. If you want a more vocal pet, think about a guinea pig, they have a very extensive vocabulary of squeaks, purrs, growls, whoops, etc.
Typically rabbits are quiet creatures. They can make a high pitched scream/squeal when in imminent danger/mortally injured.

I have a pet rabbit. On a few rare occasions I have heard him do a mild grunt, so low and quiet I almost didn't hear it. This was when he was perturbed with me.

We've had him for almost five years now, and that's the only sounds I've heard from him.

Found at answerbag -
Wild-type rabbits can also purr, not quite like cats although the effect is similar (I have never heard a domestic rabbit make this noise); and males and females can both hiss if they are enraged. They also scream if they take any serious injury.
Mine can growl if upset but apart from that they dont really make a noise.
aahhhhaaaahh hooooooohhhaarrrararaaraaa. phucking fox..! ( :)
it should sizzle if the gas is the right temp.
Rabbits can scream. I found this out when I left one of my rabbits in its run while I went to get the other and my dog was jumping on top of the run trying to get at the other rabbit. It was like a child screaming.
I once had a pet rabbit that made an almost miaowy sound like a cat - the first time he did it I couldnt believe it - I never ever heard on any other rabbit doing it but mine did!
He also made a growling sound when my brother would go to rub him
it screams its a really ear percing scream really horrible
yeah my brothers dog catch them and they make a screeching sound that makes me so mad but he thinks they r his squeaky toys.
From which end??
If my grandson has caught it it squeals like a pig
my rabbits used to grunt but sometimes they used to fight and that's when they'd screech like a pig
They can hiss like a snake and growl like a dog when they are angry.
They usually just make a clicky scratchy noise when they eat and a crunching noise when they getgoing ona bit of wood

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